Why would someone choose to be “addicted” when they know it will cause so much pain?

“All men seek happiness. This is without exception. Whatever different means they employ, they all tend to this end. The cause of some going to war, and of others avoiding it, is the same desire in both, attended with different views. The will never takes the least step but to this object. This is the motive of every action of every man, even of those who hang themselves.” -Blaise Pascal

Motivation to Change: The Absence of Pain vs The Pursuit of Happiness

What motivates problematic substance use, and what motivates people to change it? Maybe the following quote will give you some insight. “Achieving life is not the equivalent of avoiding death. Joy is not ‘the absence of pain,’ intelligence is not ‘the absence of stupidity,’ light is not ‘the absence of darkness… Building is not done… Continue reading Motivation to Change: The Absence of Pain vs The Pursuit of Happiness

Categorized as Self-Help

Do Alcoholics Lose Control? The Results of Priming Dose Experiments Say NO

The central claim of Alcoholics Anonymous and addiction / alcoholism treatment providers is the idea that “alcoholics” literally can’t control whether they drink or how much they drink. Some differ on the matter of whether alcoholics can even choose to have the “first drink” or not, but most seem to agree that once the alcohol… Continue reading Do Alcoholics Lose Control? The Results of Priming Dose Experiments Say NO

The Oak Tree has spoken…

Physical dependence is easy to deal with. Spend a week in a detox ward, and you’re done. Deeply ingrained beliefs are not quite as simple. No medication or surgical procedure can change the fact that someone believes that chasing the cheap thrills of drugs and alcohol is a better use of their time than any… Continue reading The Oak Tree has spoken…

Categorized as Self-Help

Why Can’t Alcoholics Moderate Their Drinking?

It is clear to me from both the research I have seen (check out Nick Heather’s book Controlled Drinking or the NIAAA’s NESARC studies for references on this fact) and from personal experience and observation that it is completely possible and indeed probable for people who have formerly had problems with drug and alcohol use… Continue reading Why Can’t Alcoholics Moderate Their Drinking?

Listen to Monica’s Safe Recovery Show with Steven Slate

I just appeared on the Safe Recovery blog talk radio show, hosted by Monica of the Stop 13 Step In AA blog. We had a great talk, covering several issues including whether some recovery ideas may actually contribute to suicidal ideation, the allergy model of addiction, the St Jude Program’s philosophy, and more. For those… Continue reading Listen to Monica’s Safe Recovery Show with Steven Slate