Comparing Apples to Melons – Four Loko

A closer look at the facts reveals that Four Loko is only involved in drinking related incidents because those who choose to drink it are already risky binge drinkers with histories of starting drinking at an earlier age, drinking more, and drinking more often. Alcoholic energy drinks have been unfairly targeted – and most of them have less caffeine than the same amount of coffee!

The Tragedy of Motivational Interviewing


Motivational Interviewing may be the most successful approach the treatment world has for helping people to change their substance use habits – unfortunately the positives are likely outweighed or undone by the conventional treatment approaches with which it is simultaneously delivered.

Obesity as a Brain Disease

The dimwitted Nora Volkow will eventually destroy her own argument when she declares every unfavorable behavior to be disease. Currently, she’s got her sight set on food addiction; I can’t wait till she takes on things that involve no consumption whatsoever, such as video games. She really misses the point.

Choice and Will Power

Will-Power is often confused as being the key element in a choice based model of addiction. One needn’t deny their will in order to solve a substance use problem. Just because addiction is not a disease, that doesn’t mean that one must live with constant “cravings” or desires to use drugs and alcohol. Learn more about a choice based model of addiction here.

69.5% of Treatment Revenues Come From Public Funds

Unfortunately, most of the money spent on treatment for drug and alcohol problems comes from the government. This situation props up the false and ineffective disease model favored by government agencies such as the NIDA, and results in worse services for us all. There is no free market competition working to bring better help to people with addiction.

AA is Treatment? The Facts, and some tips for dealing with this harsh reality.

Treatment Sources - NSDUH - 2009

It’s impossible for a rational person to recommend that anyone get treatment for an addiction – because nearly every treatment program involves the faith-healing and dogmatic indoctrination into the self-defeating methods of 12-step groups. See the proof here, and learn some tips for dealing with it.