Greg Giraldo dies of recovery.
Time Magazine on Moderate Use
Heroin addicts can become successful moderate drinkers. Complete abstinence may be an unrealistic goal that deters progress.
Stanton Peele’s Latest Discussion of Genes and Addiction
The whole genetic component to addiction and the outrageous claims of an addiction gene can be confusing. I must admit I’ve had trouble analyzing this topic because there is so much conflicting information. I do know that the most widely publicized information, Blum and Noble’s claims of an addiction gene, was front page news when… Continue reading Stanton Peele’s Latest Discussion of Genes and Addiction
Comedian Greg Giraldo Overdoses Hours After Recovery Rally
Greg Giraldo is the latest high profile victim of the recovery culture and disease theory lies.
Loaded Words: Recovery
Recovery in the context of addiction implies that a disease is involved, and it denotes a lifelong process, learn how to replace this harmful term and think clearly.
National Conference on Addiction Disorders
The NAADAC, the association for addiction professionals, just wrapped up its first annual National Conference on Addiction Disorders (NCAD). The conference took place in Washington DC from Sept 8-11th, included 800 attendees, nearly one hundred exhibitors, and included a full schedule of seminars. So what’s the news to come out of this event? Nothing. I… Continue reading National Conference on Addiction Disorders
Dramatic Increase in Substance Abuse Among Older Americans
I found this story about substance abuse in older americans today: Dramatic Increase in Substance Abuse Among Older Americans The article focuses on a new report being released by SAMHSA today, which shows that substance abuse among people aged 50 and older has more than doubled between 1992 and 2008. This is the key part… Continue reading Dramatic Increase in Substance Abuse Among Older Americans
Does Teen Drug Rehab Cure Addiction or Create It?
Time magazine actually published an insightful article on the plight of teens in rehab, back in July. They’re saying something I’ve been personally telling people for years: if you send your kid to rehab after catching him experimenting with drugs, you’ll turn him into a full fledged substance abuser. Here are some excerpts from the… Continue reading Does Teen Drug Rehab Cure Addiction or Create It?
Is Addiction A Choice? Harvard’s Gene Heyman Says Yes.
Harvard’s Gene Heyman presents his views on addiction in this quick video.
Everyone Has A Disorder!
The psychiatric world is full of absurdity, like this gem. Neuroskeptic reports on a recent British Journal of Psychiatry article in which a new and less stringent category of Personality Disorder, called Personality Difficulties, is recommended as an addition to DSM-V (Diagnostic & Statistical Manual vol 5, to be published by the American Psychological Association,… Continue reading Everyone Has A Disorder!