Adderall Addiction in the NY Times

A recent article in the New York Times tells the tragic tale of a young man, Richard Fee, who committed suicide after a few years of heavy Adderall use and psychotic episodes which were probably related to/caused by the drug use. Adderall, a prescription medication used to treat ADHD, contains two types of amphetamine –… Continue reading Adderall Addiction in the NY Times

Is Brand Loyalty A Brain Disease?

Can you be addicted to a brand? Does your brain cause you to keep buying expensive brand name merchandise? An article titled “Suds For Drugs” in New York Magazine seems to suggest this. The article tells how Tide detergent has become the shoplifted product du jour (probably replacing baby formula), and that people boost and resell or… Continue reading Is Brand Loyalty A Brain Disease?

Categorized as News

Pleasure Center Lobotomy: The Logical Extreme of The Brain Disease Model of Addiction

You’ve heard that the brain is hijacked by the disease of addiction, right? Then you’ve also heard that it’s because of the great surges of dopamine that drugs and alcohol provide to the “pleasure center” of the brain, right? Ok. So let’s just remove that dopamine-craving pleasure center of the brain, and voila! – no… Continue reading Pleasure Center Lobotomy: The Logical Extreme of The Brain Disease Model of Addiction

Categorized as News, VIP

New Prescription Drug Laws Are Either The Worst Or Best Thing Ever!

The drug war is so futile, so destructive, and so depressing at this point that it’s almost not even worth discussing. It’s a whole lot of senseless insanity as I see it, and nobody involved seems to have their wits about them.  For example, how could anyone reconcile these 2 recent news items about prescription… Continue reading New Prescription Drug Laws Are Either The Worst Or Best Thing Ever!

Why Target Pleasure?

“New gene therapy for smoking kills the pleasure of nicotine” – so reads the headline in yesterday’s LA Times.  This brings up an issue that remains a huge thorn in the side of the committed disease theorists: substance use is a purpose driven behavior, bottom line. The way people treat you when you publicly say… Continue reading Why Target Pleasure?

Alec Baldwin’s “Gaming Addiction” and Other Nonsense

Alec Baldwin has been labeled an addict for an altercation over cell phone use on a plane. This case makes it clear that addiction hysteria is all about judgment. The so-called mental illnesses of hoarding, Facebook addiction, texting addiction, gaming addiction, and substance addictions are not real illnesses – they are simply behaviors unapproved of by others.

Columbia Spectator Calls CASA addiction Research “Shoddy” and “Questionable”

A scathing editorial in The Columbia Spectator implores the school to cut ties with the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA). Their criticisms are not surprising to those of us familiar with addiction research: lack of control groups, causation vs correlation errors, and sensational claims.