I will expand this post in the future to discuss how Dr Schwartz’s ideas are so important to understanding addiction – but for now, trust me, his ideas are important. He is the leading authority on neuroplasticity and the use of this characteristic of the brain to overcome major life problems. Watch this video, it is worth your time.
Dr Jeffrey Schwartz on OCD and Treating Yourself

am looking for Organisation in Germany that are using the method of the 4 steps (of Jeffrey Schwartz) for treating obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Can you help? to find in Germany the right institution or person?
I think it is important to exercise how to practice self-treatment. I guess a coaching would very helpful when you start.
I am trying to help a friend of mine who has made very negative experience with the common methods.
I’m sorry, I don’t. You might try contacting him directly, and definitely checking out his book.
how can I contact him directly ? I need his mail address..